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کاشت مو به روش فوق ترکیبی

Hair Transplantation Super Combination Method:

This method is similar to the combination method, with the difference that, in addition to the FUT and FUE methods, hair is also harvested from the beard area. This is done for individuals who have a larger balding area and those who expect a very high density of hair transplantation.

Steps for Super Combination Hair Transplantation:

1. Consultation with a specialist physician.
2. Examination and consultation with the physician.
3. Photography of the donor and recipient areas.
4. Conducting relevant tests.
5. Designing and drawing the donor and recipient areas (the most important is the hairline).
6. Surgery and harvesting of the strip from the donor area using the FUT method.
7. Preparation and extraction of hair follicular units from the strip under a microscope by a technician.
8. Extraction of follicular units from the hair bank using the FUE method.
9. Extraction of individual hairs from the beard area using the FUE method.
10. Preservation of harvested follicles from the hair bank.
11. Preparation of harvested follicles for transplantation.
12. Finally, grafting harvested follicles from all three stages into the recipient area.

Hair Transplantation from A to Z:

One of the most beautiful gifts that the Almighty has given to humans is having beautiful hair. Research shows that 75% of men and 25% of women experience hair loss and struggle with this issue. Each of them tries various methods to address hair loss and prevent baldness, such as home remedies, anti-hair loss shampoos, tonics, and various chemical medications. Among these methods, hair transplantation is a permanent, common, and scientific treatment. Hair transplantation is also one of the most popular beauty enhancements among humans, as it gives them the right to have beautiful and lifelong hair.

Hair transplantation can be performed in many different ways, each of which requires important considerations.

For successful hair transplantation, three points should be taken into account:

1. Hair Bank (the area from which hair is harvested, commonly known as the donor area).
2. The extent of baldness on the head.
3. The diameter of the follicles.

Based on these three points and a physician’s examination, the appropriate hair transplant method will be evaluated and selected. Please pay attention to the recommendations before hair transplantation.

Pre-hair Transplant Recommendations:

– Have a sufficient breakfast on the day of your appointment (e.g., butter, honey, jam).
– Do not shave your hair. On the day of your appointment, after several examinations and marking the area for the procedure, your hair will be trimmed in the clinic.
– Refrain from using aspirin (with your doctor’s approval), ibuprofen, indomethacin, and vitamin E for four days before the operation.
– Avoid smoking, hookah, and alcohol consumption for one week before the operation.
– If you have been using minoxidil solution, slowly reduce its use before the hair transplant, and it should have been discontinued for at least 3 months to avoid shocking the hair. Otherwise, if you wish to continue using the medication, you must continue it for a long time after the procedure.
– Take a shower on the morning of the operation day, and wash your hair several times with shampoo.
– If you have gray or blonde hair, dye your hair completely with a dark color two days before the operation. Ensure that the hair roots are also colored.
– If you are taking any specific medication or have any medical conditions, be sure to discuss them with the physician before the operation.
– Do not wear jewelry such as rings or necklaces on the day of the procedure.
– Wear a button-up shirt for easy removal at the end of the procedure.
– Avoid driving immediately after the operation.

Post-hair Transplant Recommendations:

– Proper care of the wounds is essential. Therefore, it is better to rest at home for the rest of the day after the hair transplant, and for the first 4 nights after the operation, two soft pillows should be placed under your head and lower back so that you sleep in a semi-upright position (45 degrees), as shown in the image. Additionally, during these 4 nights, a U-shaped neck pillow should be used to support the neck.
– Be very cautious when getting in and out of the car (make sure your head doesn’t hit the car’s edge).
– Avoid consuming spices, chili, pickles, coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, and alcohol for one week.
– Avoid places where smoking or hookah is used.
– Avoid heavy physical activities such as swimming, sauna, jacuzzi, running, and lifting heavy objects.
– In the first week, if you need to lift something from the ground, do it in a seated position without bending your head forward.
– Hair washing is done only with lukewarm water and a showerhead during the first 10 days. The head should not be placed under a shower during these 10 days. After 10 days, you can use lukewarm water with moderate pressure to wash your hair.
– Rinse your head with boiled and cooled water every 2 hours during the day, and continue this process for one month.
– In the first 10 days after the operation, if you want to raise an object from the ground, do it in a seated position without bending your head forward.
– Wash your hair with lukewarm water on the 11th day under a shower.

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